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Gum disease is professionally referred to as periodontitis, and it generally starts with bacterial growth in your mouth. If left untreated indefinitely, your gums can become seriously weakened, and you may even lose a number of teeth.

The developmental stage of periodontitis is referred to as gingivitis, and in this condition, your gums will become inflamed and reddened. Gingivitis doesn’t always have to lead to periodontitis, especially if detected early enough.
During gingivitis, you’ll notice that the gums are swollen and you may experience bleeding when you brush your teeth.
  • At this stage, there will be noticeable gum irritation, but your teeth will still be firmly implanted.
  • When gingivitis is allowed to proceed unchecked, it will generally develop into periodontitis.
At this point, the interior of the gum and the bone will both begin to pull away from the teeth and form small pockets. These pockets can very easily collect debris and become infected.
  • This will trigger the immune system of your body into action in an attempt to fight the growth of bacteria and plaque below the gum line.
  • The toxins released by bacteria will begin to break down the connective tissue and the bone which hold your teeth in place.
  • As the disease develops, pockets will grow larger, and more gum tissue will be destroyed.
  • This will generally result in your teeth being loosened up, and you will more than likely experience tooth loss.
Gum disease is recognized as the number one cause of tooth loss among adults.


If you should begin to notice signs of irritation on your gums, or if they bleed when you brush your teeth, you should see us right away at Dr. Maitri Patel‘s dental clinic in Ocoee, FL.
  • Gum disease can quickly develop into a serious issue, and without treatment, it will almost certainly lead to tooth loss.
  • If caught in time, gum disease can be reversed, and you can once again have healthy gums supporting your teeth.
Good oral hygiene will generally prevent gum disease from occurring because brushing and flossing will eliminate most of the food acids which irritate your gums.
Smoking is another bad habit that irritates your gums, and you should consider quitting smoking for this reason. If you come to us in the early stages of gum disease, which is known as gingivitis, we can help restore your gums to good health.
If your gum disease has already progressed to periodontitis, more serious measures are likely to be necessary. In any case, make sure to come to visit us if you suspect you have any stage of gum disease, so we can help you recover from it.


Contact Dr. Maitri Patel’s dental clinic in Ocoee, FL if you notice any of the symptoms of gum disease. This is a serious condition that needs to be treated before it progresses into something worse.
Our expert team of dental specialists will be able to determine what stage your gum disease is in, and take the appropriate actions to make sure no further damage is done to your gums.


Q: What are the symptoms of gum disease?

A: Most often, you will see gums that become swollen or red when gingivitis is beginning. In a more advanced stage, there will be persistent bleeding from the gums.

Q: What happens if gum disease isn’t treated?

A: If gum disease is ignored, it will progress to a condition called periodontitis. This will be characterized by the formation of pockets of pus on the gums, as well as sores that begin to appear. In severe cases, your teeth may become loose and eventually fall out.

Q: Are there other health issues associated with gum disease?

A: Yes there are. If left untreated, gum disease can lead to coronary issues, and can even cause heart attacks.

Q: What causes gum disease?

A: Gum disease is most often caused by poor dental habits, like inconsistent brushing and flossing. It can also be triggered when a person persistently smokes because much of this smoke remains in the mouth and degrades the gums.

Q: What can be done to prevent gum disease?

A: The best way to prevent gum disease is to develop good oral hygiene habits, including regular brushing and flossing. If you’re a smoker, you should quit smoking, so as to prevent exposing your gums to harmful smoke.

Q: What will my dentist do to overcome gum disease?

A: First, he/she will instruct you on the importance of good oral hygiene. Then if your gum disease has progressed to a somewhat advanced stage, it may be necessary to use scaling or root planing, laser treatment, and possibly even surgery.