Tooth bonding is a fairly simple cosmetic dental procedure that is often used to deal with teeth that are cracked, chipped, or discolored. After the tooth bonding procedure has been accomplished, your damaged teeth can look just as good as they originally were.
In this procedure,
Dr. Maitri Patel will apply a composite resin colored to match the rest of your teeth. It’s generally the front teeth that are treated, and the resin material would be applied to them.
Then, it will be necessary to shape that resin to the appropriate shape of your tooth and allow the resin to harden.
The resin material will adhere very well to the surface of the tooth because a bonding agent will be applied prior to installing the resin.
Ultraviolet light is used to accelerate the hardening process, and if necessary, further adjustments can be made after the resin has hardened.
One of the great things about tooth bonding is that it’s such a simple procedure, it can usually be done in a single session at Dr. Patel’s office.
It will only take an hour or less to bond a single tooth, so unless you’re doing multiple teeth, a tooth bonding session will last less than an hour in most cases.
Even better, there is no recovery period after a tooth bonding procedure.
This means you will be able to eat and drink whatever you want afterward, and there will be no downtime or missed time from your workplace.
When you visit Dr. Maitri Patel at her Ocoee, FL dental clinic, we can explain the entire tooth bonding process to you, so that you’ll know what to expect.
In fact, tooth bonding is one of the simplest cosmetic dental procedures there is, so you’ll have nothing to fear whatsoever.
It can also be an extremely useful procedure, given that it corrects a number of dental issues.
You can enlarge one tooth which is smaller than the others in your mouth, you can close gaps between your teeth through tooth bonding, and you can also improve the appearance of teeth that are discolored, crack, or chipped.
We will thoroughly examine your mouth before doing anything, so we can ensure that you’re a good candidate for tooth bonding.
Then we’ll discuss with you what our approach will be to upgrade the tooth or teeth that you want to be improved.
From there, it will be a simple process to carry out the tooth bonding procedure and leave you with a much more appealing smile.