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Dental veneers are thin shells colored to match the existing teeth in your mouth, and they get attached to the front surface of your teeth so as to improve your appearance.
There are generally made from a resin composite material or from porcelain and are permanently bonded to your front teeth.
They can be used to hide:
  • chipped teeth
  • cracked teeth
  • discolored teeth
They can also add to the size of teeth that are smaller than normal.
The teeth which are most often treated by dental veneers are the front eight teeth on the top of your mouth. When veneers are installed, they are often emplaced in pairs, so that they’ll be less noticeable.
Porcelain veneers are by far the most popular type of veneers, because of their durability and their resistance to staining.
The process of installing veneers generally begins with grinding down a part of the tooth surface. This will allow for proper bonding between the remaining tooth and the veneer’s shell.
In some cases, you can have no-prep veneers installed, and this calls for much less preparation to be administered. Rather than removing the enamel and one or more layers underneath, no-prep veneers will generally only affect the enamel layer.
If you’re confused about the difference between veneers and crowns, you should remember that:
  • Veneers will only cover the front surface of a tooth.
  • Crowns and tooth implants, on the other hand, will replace an entire tooth.
In addition, veneers are only applied to the front surface of your tooth, which is the most visible portion.


Having dental veneers installed will always improve the appearance of your smile, and in some cases, the improvement can be very dramatic.
  • If you’re covering up damaged teeth which have been cracked, chipped, or discolored, you’ll end up with a beautiful-looking white tooth replacing it.
  • When the veneer shell is placed over your front teeth, it will be virtually indistinguishable from your regular teeth.
  • At the same time, it will immediately upgrade the appearance of your teeth and provide you with a fantastic smile once again.
If you have some kind of dental issue with your front teeth that you would like to repair, you should contact Dr. Maitri Patel at her dental clinic in Ocoee, FL. Our team of experts will examine your teeth thoroughly, and consult with you about a plan that will improve your smile, and restore your self-confidence.


Anyone living in the Ocoee, FL area who is considering having dental veneers installed, should contact us at Dr. Maitri Patel’s dental clinic.
We have an expert team of cosmetic dental professionals on hand, and we can all answer any questions you may have about the procedure. We can also inform you about what to expect with the procedure, so you can be totally comfortable before proceeding.
You’ll love the way your teeth look, and how your smile gets greatly improved by having veneers installed over your teeth.


A: Dental veneers are thin shells colored like your other teeth, which fit over your front teeth to protect them and to improve your smile.

Q: What types of veneers are there?

A: The most popular types of veneers are those made of porcelain and those made of a composite material. Porcelain veneers are the most resistant to staining and are also the most durable, but they are the most expensive type of veneers.

Q: Why would I need dental veneers?

A: People who have dental veneers installed are generally looking to hide teeth that have cracks, chips, or discoloration in them. In some situations, veneers are also used to close gaps between teeth.

Q: What’s involved with having veneers installed?

A: It will generally be necessary to scrape away a small part of your tooth enamel, so the veneer can be bonded to your tooth. Impressions of your teeth will be taken, and these will be used to prepare veneers that will fit over your existing teeth.

Q: Who is a good candidate for dental veneers?

A: Anyone who has front teeth that are cracked, chipped, or discolored may want to consider dental veneers. It will also be necessary to have healthy gums if you’re considering the installation of veneers.

Q: How long do dental veneers last?

A: In most cases, veneers will last between 5 and 10 years, with the potential for a longer duration if you take good care of them.

Q: Are dental veneers covered by my dental insurance?

A: In some cases, up to 50% of the cost of dental veneers will be covered by your insurance, but you should always check with your carrier.